rtist of The Week: Louis Marcoussis
🎨Louis Marcoussis
🎨 November 14, 1878, Łódź, Poland
🎨 French painter
🎨 Cubism
🎨Painter and Engraver
✅ Formerly Ludwik Kazimierz Wladyslaw Markus or Ludwig Casimir Ladislas Markus
✅ After studying law briefly in Warsaw he went to the Kraków Academy of Fine Arts
✅ The first time a painting of his was shown in a major exhibition was at the Salon d'Automne in 1905
✅ As well as painting still lifes and musical instruments in the Cubist manner, he also produced portraits, views of Paris, and images from the Breton seaside
✅ He drew cartoons for satirical journals, as he had earlier in Poland.
✅ In Paris he needed to earn his own living, and also took on other drawing and illustration work.
✅ He got to know Apollinaire, Braque, Degas, Picasso and many more artists and writers.
✅ It was Apollinaire who suggested Markus' French name, Marcoussis, after a village not far from Paris.
✅ Marcoussis died October 22, 1941, Cusset
Famous Painting🖌
Le bar du port (1913) / Violon, bouteilles de Marc et cartes (Violin, Marc bottles and cards) 1919