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Holiday Art Programs


Available all year round

Have fun during your school holiday break!

Here, everyone is encouraged to be creative and original.

Explore the basics and develop your artwork in a great environment 


Sketching, Painting, Different Mediums, Sculpture, Art and craft, Games and more.

Suitable for children aged 4 to 12 years old.



Whatapps +60 18 406 4163 to book now!

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Half Day Program

9.30am to 12.30pm

2.00pm to 5.00pm

Breakfast or Afternoon Refreshments are provided.

mnkartschool, artschool mont kiara, art class mont kiara, art class kl, collage creative art art class

Full Day Program

9.30am to 5.00pm

Breakfast, Lunch and Afternoon Refreshments are provided

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batik art class at mum n kids art school mont kiara
art and craft art class holiday art program mont kiara
acrylic art painting art class mont kiara
soft pastel gouache art class mont kiara art school mont kiara portrait painting
holiday art program art class art school junior art program
art and culture canvas art class kids activites afterschool enrichment program
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